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What Our Team Says

I find immense satisfaction in contributing to my patients' oral health, utilizing my dental expertise to create confident smiles. Additionally, the supportive environment and collaborative team at my dental company enhance my professional growth and passion for delivering top-notch care.

Dr. Hamp Kennemore, Carolina Dental Alliance, Spartanburg, SC

I enjoy being able to give back to a community where dental care isn't as accessible, and I also appreciate the benefits working with a larger organization can provide. It's incredibly difficult to find a good associateship, but sda has given me the tools I need to succeed.

Dr. Natasha Mofrad, City Dental, Blacksburg, SC

I love my job and co-workers! We’re family and are there for each other, personally and professionally. While I also love the corporate structure, it is great being a part of and giving back to the community, where I feel good about seeing smiling patients and parents who recognize me. This is where I plan to retire!

Venesia Price—Orthodontic Manager, CDC Offices

Your Source for Professional Dentistry